Black Athlete Ready To Give You Olympic Sex
As you change into your clothes after the threesome you just completed, you lie half-naked on the studio couch. Jesus Reyes materializes out of nowhere. He searches all about till he discovers his phone, which he apologizes for having left behind. He then makes a motion to indicate that he has located it, seems to go, but pauses and returns to your side. Jesus gushed about his wonderful time with the three of you at your last meeting. He does, however, admit that he has been wanting more time with you and advises that you make the most of the situation. With gentle strokes, he slides his hand up your legs and caresses your pussy, just above your underpants. It seems that you share his feelings, as his eyes express his desire for you.
As he begins to suck your pussy, he removes your underpants. You may have wished for his precise tongue motions. As you begin to feel the electric pulse running through your spine, you’ll know he’s got it figured out. Once that is done, he will remove his garments and insert his member inside you. My goodness! Being inside with him is incredible! The pleasure is intensified when he licks your breasts while fucking you. The next step is to climb on top of him while he’s in cowgirl position; this will let his dick sink further into you, and then you’ll both come.
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